The public servers below are provided by members of the community with a commitment to keep them updated and cover the cost of running them.

If you have any issues with setup, or need more clarification, this site is hosted on Github Pages. Please open an issue at its Repository.

Public Servers

These servers are provided for the public to use. You MUST use the same version posted to prevent errors from game play. List will be updated as servers are added, removed, and updated.

Server Name Port Number Version Game Size Provided By
    stable / milestone 2346 0.49.7 (Milestone) 1700M - Regimental?, LLC 2346 0.49.7 (Milestone) 768M - Companies MegaMek Team 2346 0.48.0 (Stable) 512M - Companies Delra 2830 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 2866 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3028 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3039 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3052 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3058 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3062 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3067 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3081 0.49.7 (Milestone) 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio
    development 2346 0.49.17 1700M - Regimental?, LLC 2346 0.49.19 768M - Companies MegaMek Team 2346 0.49.19 768M - Companies MegaMek Team 2346 0.49.19 768M - Companies MegaMek Team 2823 0.49.19 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3049 0.49.19 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3057 0.49.19 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3071 0.49.19 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio 3151 0.49.19 2048M - Regimental? [RR] Sierra Invenio

MekWars Servers

These servers are related as they use a customized version of the MegaMek client to run an ongoing campaign. These servers will require the custom client for your use.

Server Name Port Number Faction Name 2346 Steiner MekWars @ Project

Scheduled Server Restarts

Some of the servers have scheduled restarts of the MegaMek client to prevent memory corruption issues as well as to reset bad connections or stuck servers. The servers below restart at the designated times:

Server Name Restart Schedule
Ghost Bear Daily at 0115 UTC
Diamond Shark Daily at 0115 UTC
Ralias Raiders Sunday at 0500 UTC

Voice Channels

Official voice channels are available on the Official MegaMek Discord for use for each of these servers. Feel free to use them while playing.

Be Polite

It happens at times that games will get disconnected or people will just stop playing mid-game for whatever reason. If you join a server and it looks like a game is in progress, use the chat and see if anyone responds. Give them a few minutes. If no one responds, feel free to /reset and start playing.

In addition, if you find the rules are not changing, go into Game Options and reset to Default and apply before changing again. A recent (2021/03/20) test of the servers discovered this issue.

Want To Add Your Server?

That’s great! We’d love to have more servers to allow more public servers to not deal with firewall issues. We only ask that you keep it updated with new versions within a reasonable time of their release (not immediate of course but within a month would be great). If you’re fine with that, open a ticket at the repository and we’d need the IP4 (and IP6 if available) address, port number, version running, a name to place next to it, and a faction to give you your own subdomain. We’ll update this page as soon as we are able.

We thank you for wanting to help enable more players to play and happy hunting MechWarrior!